The only AI voice-image dementia screening mobile app

Easy and fast dementia screening
- "Memory Detective"

Fear of severe dementia: Overcome it with continuous and periodic tests with Memory Detective!


Bambol Inc.

We want to do what people think is impossible and what everyone thinks is difficult.

We do fun things by mixing things up, and it’s great if the results make people happy.

Bambol Inc.

We want to do what people think is impossible and what everyone thinks is difficult.

We do fun things by mixing things up, and it’s great if the results make people happy.


Let’s mix things up

to create fun things and make

people feel happy through the results.

Let’s have fun in the process too.

Let’s mix things up

to create fun things and make

people feel happy through the results.

Let’s have fun in the process too.


In 2030, 100 million people

were successfully diagnosed with early dementia

using memory detectives and protected

from severe dementia.

In 2030, 100 million people

were successfully diagnosed with early dementia

using memory detectives and protected

from severe dementia.




April 2023

Establishment of Bambol Inc.

July 2023

“Memory Detective”

computer program copyright registration


“Memory Detective”

technology escrow (Korea Technology Finance Corporation)

August 2023

Notification of medical device sales business

October 2023

Patent registration:

Dementia diagnosis service system and method using voice


PCT (international patent) application:

Dementia diagnosis service system and method using voice

November 2023

First release of “Memory Detective” for Android

December 2023

Report and accept research results Dedicated


Organization : Public Institutional Bioethics

Committee designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare


 Research project : Development of a voice-based

AI healthcare platform

March 2024

Participation in GMEP

(Global Medical Device Export Consultation)


 Meeting requests

received from buyers from 13 countries

April 2024

“Memory Detective” update for Android and iOS


May 2024

Supply contract with Company G

(Korea’s largest insurance agency group)


Signed MOU with Nigerian company M

June 2024

H Welfare Mall supply contract

(regular “subscription” business)


Participation in

K-MediTeck Day in Bangkok

(Thailand + Southeast Asia medical device export meeting)

Patent registration

PCT application

Technical Deposit

Copyright Registration

Registered as a

medical device

sales business

기억탐정은 유일한 AI 음성 이미지 치매 검사 모바일 앱입니다.

테스트 방법이 간단하고 결과 확인시간을 획기적으로 단축시킨 프로그램 입니다.

기억탐정은 유일한 AI 음성 이미지 치매 검사 모바일 앱입니다.

테스트 방법이 간단하고 결과 확인시간을

획기적으로 단축시킨 프로그램 입니다.



Dementia is a disease where early diagnosis as well as prevention is very important.

Early diagnosis requires consistent and periodic testing.

“Memory Detective” is simple to use and has a reasonable price, enabling consistent and periodic testing of the elderly.

With “Memory Detective,” you can escape the fear of severe dementia.

Easy testing method

All you have to do to test is read simple text.

After starting the test, you can see the results in about 30 seconds.

Test anytime, anywhere

Test anytime, anywhere

The test method is simple, so users can perform the test on their own without assistance.

Additionally, testing is possible anytime, anywhere, as long as it is in a quiet place.

Convergence of medical technology and general industrial technology

We applied image-based AI reading technology, which is one of the most developed AI fields in general industries such as manufacturing.

Price accessible to everyone

Dementia is a scary disease that anyone can experience. Price should not be an issue when testing for dementia.

High Accuracy

The accuracy of “Memory Detective” is around 91.5%. Of the 281 people judged by “Memory Detective” to ‘need consultation with an expert,’ 257 actually had dementia.

* Bambol’s internal testing

* ‘need consultation with an expert’: Feedback when the reading results determine that there is a high possibility of dementia

Utilization of data classified by professional medical staff

The AI ​​of “Memory Detective” learned from voice data classified by professional medical staff, increasing its reliability.


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